日別アーカイブ: 2018年11月9日

共に時間を過ごすこと / Spend time together





(新約聖書 マタイによる福音書1:23 新共同訳)




I went to Nagano prefecture this week with my parents. There is my uncle’s house. I spent time there for 3 days with them. It was really meaningful time for me. I enjoyed talk with parents. My uncle and aunt welcomed us very much. So I was able to enjoy spent time with them. I remembered that my childhood during staying there.

Today, because of the spread of the Internet, we can see each other’s face even if we are far away. It made our life convenient.

However, that’s why it is even more important for us to spend time today.

The Christmas season is approaching. The Bible teaches us about the birth of the Jesus Christ.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).(Matthew 1:23 NIV)

Christmas teaches that “God with us”.

Jesus was the Son of God, but he came down to this earth and lived with humans. God is with us, and He spends time with us.

We are living in a very busy time. It is a time when the connection between people is getting thinner. The Bible is proclaiming to us that “God is with you”.