日別アーカイブ: 2018年12月7日

あなたの光は曙のように射し出で / Your light will shine like the dawn





(旧約聖書 イザヤ58:6~8 新共同訳)




I visited a hospital with members of choir on last Sabbath. We sang some Christmas carol, and told the Christmas message. I’m grateful to the hospital because they have accepted our visitation for more than 20 years on every Christmas season. That was the sixth visit for me. It was meaningful time to us.

During 2 hours 30 minutes we visited 6 wards. It was a tight schedule. However, I noticed that the facial expressions of the choir members were getting shine.

Some patients listened to our songs while crying. Other patients sang with us in loud voice. Other patients were just listening carefully. We were encouraged by their attitude.

“I will tell you the kind of special day I want.
I want you to free the people you have put in prison unfairly.
    Undo their chains.
Free those to whom you are unfair.
    Free them from their hard labor.
I want you to share your food with hungry people.
    I want you to bring poor, homeless people into your own homes.
When you see someone who has no clothes, give him yours.
    Don’t refuse to help your own relatives.
If you do these things, your light will shine like the dawn.
    Then your wounds will quickly heal.
Your God will walk before you,
    and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind(Isaiah 58:6-8 ICB).

The Scripture are teaching that if we give something to others, we will receive big blessing and our wounds will heal quickly.

I would like to remember this principle that God gave us. And I hope to experience the promise of God during Christmas season.