日別アーカイブ: 2018年12月21日

悲しんでいる人たちは、さいわいである / “Blessed are those who mourn”






「こころの貧しい人たちは、さいわいである、天国は彼らのものである。悲しんでいる人たちは、さいわいである、彼らは慰められるであろう。」(新約聖書 マタイによる福音書5:3,4 口語訳)



Christmas is just around the corner and streets are in full Christmas mode. Every year in this particular period when everyone is happy and excited, there is one thing that bothers me that makes me not able to sincerely enjoy this moment.

Even in this fun atmosphere, there are many people who are suffering from helpless diseases or depression. It makes their suffering even worse when in Christmas people around are having precious time with their loved ones and having fun. Maybe you’ve had this experience too.

However, when I read the scene of Jesus’ birth, my heart is comforted. Jesus was the king of the universe, but when Jesus was born on earth, there was no grand celebration at all. It was the scholar from foreign country and the shepherds who were not of the highest social status that heard this wonderful news of Jesus’ birth and came to celebrate Him.

Jesus surrenders His whole life teaching, healing and serving people to make them enter the kingdom of heaven. This is one verse from the sermon on the mount.

 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted(Matthew 5:3,4 ESV).

I sincerely pray that Jesus will give heavenly comfort that only Jesus can provide to those who are in the midst of suffering, to those who are depressed, and to those who are in pain especially in this season of Christmas.