日別アーカイブ: 2018年12月28日

終わりまであなたの道を行きなさい / “Go your way till the end”




(旧約聖書 ダニエル書12:13 口語訳)





Year 2018 is coming to an end. How was this year for you? Some of you might have had a fulfilling year, or for some of you it might have been a difficult year. Maybe some of you are thinking, “I’ve had so many different things happened that I can’t express this year in one word”. As we are about to wrap up the year, I was reminded of the last text of the book of Daniel.

“But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and arise to you inheritance at the end of the days.” (Daniel 12:13 NKJV)

These words found in Daniel makes us feel awed and encouraged as well.

This calling “go your way” challenges us to reflect on our journey so far. “What is my way that God is wanting me to go?” If we stop comparing ourselves to others and with simple honesty, walk through our ways that God had given us, we surely will be able to finish this year strong. Daniel experienced various difficulties throughout his life, but he had faithfully walked through his way till the end. I hope that each one of us will go our way firmly that God has given us until the end of our life on earth just like Daniel did.

May the loving God abundantly bless all your work this year and gives you hope for another upcoming year.


(Translation : Kenta Yamaguchi)