月別アーカイブ: 2019年2月

神の御前で安心できます / Reassure our heart before him



(新約聖書 ヨハネの手紙第一3:16,18~20 新共同訳)



At first, Adam and Eve had a happy life at the Garden of Eden. But when they disobeyed from God and ate the fruit of the tree, they lost peace. They tried to hide from God when they heard the footsteps of God in the garden. Adam told God. “I heard the sound of you in the garden, I was afraid.”

When the relationship breaks down, we try to avoid that person. It makes it difficult for us to see him or her face. Sin destroys relationships. The relationship between people and God, and the relationship between people and people.

Every human being is under the influence of such a sin. But the Bible gives us a wonderful promise.

 This is how we know what real love is: Jesus gave his life for us. ・・・My children, our love should not be only words and talk. Our love must be true love. And we should show that love by what we do. This is the way we know that we belong to the way of truth. When our hearts make us feel guilty, we can still have peace before God. God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.  (1 John 3:16,18-20 ICB)

Jesus gave us real love through the Cross. It will repair our broken relationship. Because of Jesus’ love, anyone can rest assured in front of God. Because of Jesus’ love, we can reconcile.

主が良いと思われることを行ってくださるように / May the Lord’s will be done









We pray to God. When I looked back on my prayers, there was a few appreciation and praise, but most of them were “wishes”.

For example, “God, please lead my plan to success.” “God, please make my wish come true.”

They are not wrong prayers. It is written in the Bible as follows.

pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.(Philippians 4:6 NLT) 

However, the Bible teaches us to ask God’s will rather than our wishes. This is a prayer of Jesus before the cross.

“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”  (Luke 22:42 NLT)

One morning I noticed this word when I was reading the Bible.

“Be courageous! Let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. May the Lord’s will be done.”(1Chronicles 19:13 NLT)

This is the word David’s servant Joab spoke before the battle. He should have wanted to win the battle. But he demanded for achieve of God’s will, not his own victory.

It reminded me a sentence that I have read before.

“Prayer is the process by which my wish matches God’s will by the work of the Holy Spirit.”

I hope that my prayers will match God’s will.

ねたむ神 / Jealous God



あなたはわたしのほかに、なにものをも神としてはならない。…あなたの神、主であるわたしは、ねたむ神であるから…。(旧約聖書 出エジプト20:3,5 口語訳)



When I was a child, I liked a girl. However, I was careful not to express to my attitude that I like her. I liked her, so I was looking at her all the time.

When I saw another boy talking with her very friendly, my heart was very upset. At that time I noticed that “I am jealous.”

Jealous is a very strong emotion. We are jealous when we can not receive the affection or interest we want. We hardly can dominate it by myself. I often want to erase jealousy from my heart.

 “You must not have any other gods except me.… You must not worship or serve any idol. This is because I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. (Exodus 20:3,5 ICB)

According to the Ten Commandments, God says about Himself “I am jealous God.”

Why did God say so? The character of God is different from us. He has perfect love. Because God loves us so much. When our hearts turn to other things, God grieves deeply. God said that  “You must not have any other gods except me.” He is seeking us so strongly. I think that God’s so strong love is expressed in this word.

夜はよもすがら泣き悲しんでも / Crying may last for a night





(旧約聖書 詩篇30:4,5 口語訳)


It rained for the first time in a month. When I heard the sound of rain, I felt my heart comforted. Basically I like the sunny winter sky. But as it lasts for too long, I want rain. Recently, the air has been too dry, so influenza is prevalent. And the price of vegetables is rising.

We like sunny days. However, if it lasts for a long time, some difficulties will arise. When the difficult situation we face lasts long, we are disappointed. “Where is the exit in this tunnel?”

There is such a day in our life.

His anger lasts only a moment.
    But his kindness lasts for a lifetime.
Crying may last for a night.
    But joy comes in the morning.(Psalms 30:5 ICB)

When our lives are going well, we can thank God. However, it is difficult to thank God when difficulty continues. However, the Bible promises to us. The night of sorrow will eventually change in the morning of joy. I pray that we can remind that God is preparing hope morning when we walk on the night of sorrow.